4 things we learnt from Warren Buffett's 2024 Annual Letter

What Warren Buffett is investing & his advice for 2025

Warren Buffett is the most famous investor in the world, so everyone is watching what he is saying in his latest letter, published on 22 February 2025.

Warren Buffett is a living legend that became the richest person (if he didnt donate his money away) in the world just from investing. His investment return average 19.9% annual return. Seems low right? But he did it over 60 years. So far, no one can match his return for this long period of time.

Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett’s investment vehicle) has $325 billion cash today, more than 2.7x the cash reserve of Bank Negara Malaysia.

1. Warren Buffett on How to be rich

Businesses, as well as individuals with desired talents, however, will usually find a way to cope with monetary instability as long as their goods or services are desired by the country’s citizenry. So, too, with personal skills. 

Lacking such assets as athletic excellence, a wonderful voice, medical or legal skills or, for that matter, any special talents, I have had to rely on equities throughout my life. In effect, I have depended on the success of American businesses and I will continue to do so.

Where Your Money Is, Warren Buffett 2024 Annual Letter

There are 3 formula to be rich in life:
1. Possess personal skills that are desired by people;
2. Create business that sell goods or services that are desired by people; or
3. Invest in business that sell goods or services that are desired by people.

We dont need all 3, we just need to do 1 properly and wealth is almost guaranteed.

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